no longer
i am not your tree to chop
i am not the mud beneath your shoes
i am not your home to dirty
or light on fire when you choose
i am not your safety
from the storms you brew inside
i am not a dumpster
for the shit you try to hide
i am not to be caged
by the bars of judgment you prescribe
i am a wildfire with dragon wings
my own miracles to imbibe
no longer did i stay with you
as your flags began to fly
no longer did i believe
as tears cleared my eye
and as i sifted through the shadows
making peace amongst the ash
i found my beautiful heart beating
i found who i am at last
i am the sky, i am the ocean
i am the light transcending all
i am my flame of truth in darkness
i am no longer, and never more, small.
© emily renee gold | plz do not use text without permission.